Captain Brian Interview by Dawn Reese

Dawn Reese
Captain Brian Interview

Hello New  Readers, Let me introduce my  self I am Dawn Reese Hollywood Entertainment Reporter to give you the winning edge in show Biz: over 30 Years of Real Connections and over 40 Kids and Acts on The Jenny Jones TV show, to now Part owner of Studio 104 And Celebrity Productions in Hollywood Ca where my main office is, and Las Vegas And now in Florida, We are working on a movie of the week this Year in Las Vegas, Nev, ; I just got off tour with Lil J, Hollywood Records and Disney's New Star, As his Private Entertainment Reporter
I have major Model Searches for Model Quest for Teens and Adults to go on The Cover of Oxygen magazine, and Mens Fitness magazine for Robert Kennedy;
And the twenty One Model Contest To Go to Las Vegas and Win 21 Thousand Dollars, MY TV show is kicking off in Hollywood CA With 151 Thousand that will view my show and We will kick it off here for Talent,  I am James Browns Entertainment Reporter: I look forward to Helping you in Showbiz, as My Video series is on my main site under my name at Enjoy The interviews To Help you get connected in Showbiz And I want to Thank Keith Wiegand from Beach Magazine,
For having me as His Entertainment Reporter, For Florida:
All talent all ages Send Your Pictures Demos Or Snap Shots to
Celebrity Productions
33722 Palm Beach Gardens Florida
See you in the Movies:

VIP Guest and My Producer Friend of my Last New Video Series, called the Winning Edge showbiz connection. He is a Capt ( MY Fan Club) of the Manatee Queen and wait to you learn more about, his Cruise and Production, with top VIP Guest from Florida Agents to Producers and Radio Disney, and a special guest from let me welcome Capt. Brian.
Dawn: Hello Capt. Brain, Thank you for taking the time to Interview and tell my Readers about my new video Series. And can you tell them what the cost is and how they can buy a copy of the Video series.
Capt. Brian:
HI Dawn, my u r looking' great today. Dawn Reese is producing an informational video that should be viewed with pen and paper by anyone in the mood to succeed in Showbiz. Dawn draws into her circle, many internationally known, highly visible, active, and successful showbiz personalities from behind the scenes and stars. These well known showbiz folks come to aid her hopefuls & newcomers to the business These Showbiz Connection's award winning series of videos will continue to show the way to success. The edited version, ( the one you need with all the names and numbers of the people who will propel you to stardom) is $34.95 + 4.95 S & H... If you just want a clip of your portion of the cruise it is $9.95 + S & H, and raw footage unedited is $19.95 + S & H... come by the office and save the S & H.
Dawn:  Now we had my Show on your boat, and It was awesome as we cruise pass the Rich & Famous in Jupiter Florida, Can you tell some of the people that live on the Island.
Capt. Brian: To name a few, we go past my favorite Jupiter Islander, Perry Como's home of 27 years. WE will Miss him greatly, he left us one week before his 89th Birthday on May 11th this year (2001) Greg Norman lives on Jupiter Island along with the Johnson's formerly of Johnson and Johnson, Peter Stroh of Strohs beer sold his home recently to a 31 year old banker who retired at the same age. 31. The richest lady in the world lived here too, Doris Duke, of Duke University, Camel Cigarettes and much more. When she died, she gave the butler 1.2 BILLION!!! Mead of Mead paper Products, the Paysons who used to own the NY Mets... many many more
Your Cruise, is So Beautiful, I have really enjoyed my Last year in Jupiter Florida, When I lived on the Water, I was watching your Boat pass, and How I had the idea of a talent show and new Video and with my Hawaiian Tropic Winners, Thank you so much. I love the Tropical Life.
Capt. Brian:
The tropic is the place to be. I have enjoyed living in Eden surrounded by paradise now for 33 years
What is your Website & email ? Capt. Brian: My websites are many, for the Manatee Queen it is mail at
What is your phone number and What day do you cruise Pass the Rich & Famous. Capt. Brian: Phone # is 561-744-2191 We do the Jupiter Island tour 7 days a week (closed during September for vacation) at 2:30 daily, from June 1st thru Sept 3rd, it is 11:30 to avoid the afternoon heat and rain. 2 hour tour
Dawn: Now you have more to offer, you have your own Video Travel series, and you have a movie script your working on and Books, Can you tell my readers about them.
Capt Brian: We also are involved with a lot of travel. Our videos are home spun, originally with the idea of selling them to shut in's who could no longer travel. We make "Vacations with Brian and Helen", a video series of our travels throughout the world. Our new video a month in Australian out back and the East coast of Australia should be our finest yet. WE sell the videos of tours we make and by the hour. The videos sell for 29.95 per hour, 2 hour minimum and it is with the idea of you getting to know our family, getting ready for the trip going and coming and all u did on vacation. We originally thought the market would be only assisted living places but travelers of all sorts use our films for entertainment and often to help them to get an idea of what to expect before they go. We include suggestions for a better trip with ideas of where to stay, what you need, visas international drivers licenses etc. These videos have been more sought after than we ever dreamed.
I want to thank Mike he is the man, that makes things happen in the office, he Can fix computers for people and he works with you on your Cruise.

Capt. Brain:
Without Mt "T" This would not be happening. He knows the future of this new video series of mine, and now with you Dawn and your Showbiz Connection, he is the motor that provides the power to put all this together in the technical end and his expertise is un ending ... he makes it work. Mike Totten, thank you.... The New Unicorn. also available at his 561-746-1809 for consultations. Write e mail to Brian Bobbitt Consultants at crusinclassics@
You have so much more to offer, You work on Background check, and can you talk about your other business. Capt. Brian: The importance of knowing who you are hiring is paramount. More now than ever. I Provide a service to employers to give them the best background checks, with quick turnaround time, and more accuracy than any other company can offer. We clear our checks through "HIRECHECK" the fastest growing organization of it's kind. We help employers save much money in the human resources departments. Not to mention the legal if you hire a bad apple. 80% of the people who apply for a job leave out something on their application. Very rarely is it the good part they leave out. It is that part we find. to find out more about background analysis, e mail me at hiregood@ or call 561-746-1809 at Brian Bobbitt Consultants & The Winning Edge.
Now this is very Interesting, your Office use to be Burt Reynolds Office, as it is a Beautiful Office and you even Cruise past Mr. Reynolds home, and can you offer Great advice to talent on my Video series.
Capt. Brian:
When I worked with Burt Reynolds in the Blue Period's production of B L Stryker, he told me, "Show business is the lowest paid easy work, and the highest paid hard work there is." I am sure he is correct. May I add that a couple more adages will aid the wannabes to become bees.. (bees work) or HOW TO MAKE IT WORK... FOLLOW THIS One day a farmers donkey fell down a well. the Animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and need to be covered up anyway. It just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake off the dirt and step up on it. As they continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up and over the edge of the well and trotted off. Life is going to shovel a LOT of dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest well just by not stopping. Never give up! Shake it off and step up. I know this the ONLY way to succeed is to not give up. and remember these five simple rules" 1) Free your heart from hatred   2) Free your mind from worries  3) Live simply  4) Give more  5) Expect less and don't give up, EVER! Dawn: I have to tell you the Crab house is one of my favorite Spots, on the Water in Jupiter Florida, And your boat is in out on the dock, How long have you had your cruise. Capt. Brain: <------Brian please (sp) LOL Yeah, also the Crab House is a great movie set, heck, all u need is cameras, the set is all here.... I have been doing our cruises for nearly 15 years now.
Dawn: I love it you are working with The Manatees, to save them, Tell us about how more people can save the Manatees
Capt. Brian: Education mainly, learn about the environment you are going to go play or work in before you begin any activity whether it is boating or water sports of any kind or any form of industry that may harm the environment... Stop look listen! Dawn: I have to say With the Picture I have of your wife Helen, What an artists she is, where can people view her art work. Capt. Brain: <---SP please, BRIAN... LOL She will have a website ready and linked through mine. Visit my website and link to hers and many others. woodsculpture
Is there anything you would like to talk about?
Capt. Brian: Just one more work as to what this is all about. We are a clearing house for stars in the making. Come to Dawn Reese's Showbiz Connection and show the world your budding talent. Let Dawn help bring out your natural being that is different from all other humans. Remember it is your "Difference" that will make you shine brighter that anyone around you. That along with lots of hard work and sticktoativity will bring you to the top. I have found that many are more talented than I am, many many more a lot smarter than I am. Just being average, is simply the best of the worst and the worst of the best. To get above all the competition, it only takes perseverance, training and mental growth every day. I just started to learn to play the Digereedoo... it will take years but I will do it... and so can you "To do it, just "DO IT""
Dawn: I really want to thank you for your time and I will tell my readers, You are really the King of the Manatee And your wife the Queen of the Manatee as I crowned you both on my last show, This is Dawn Reese giving the Winning Edge seal of approval you do not want to miss the boat on this Cruise it is a must in Florida, and I want to thank my new Friends at the Manatee Queen for being my Producers for my New Video Series, My last Video series won a top award in Hollywood this Last Oct for the best Training Video series to help talent, call 800 519-5845 my email is See you in Hollywood, CA & in the movies, God Bless,  Warmly Dawn Reese Entertainment Reporter. NOTE TO ALL TALENT NEW SHOW Kicks Off on the Manatee Queen in June, looking for singers And Actors & Models, We will tape for TV You can sponsor yourself  call Studio 104 Production at 800 519-5845
Booking a Hollywood International Photographer to the Major Stars & Artist, Here in Jupiter, you will not want to miss out on this special for $125.00 two Rolls and you get the Disk and Neg. Model Shoots for your book $200.00
Bookings for June & July call Now:
See you soon with another winning Connection, For BEACH Magazine:


Dawn's Interviews